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Software Training In HSR Layout

Software development training is necessary for working professionals, freshers, new graduates, and other industry experts. Upskilling is necessary for coping with the new developments and advancements in the field of information and technology.
When individuals have access to the right software courses to meet their demands, they will be motivated to carry out their duties. This will bring a high standard in their work and other prospects. The bottom line is that individuals are skilled and they can get a chance to work on better projects.
About Software Development
The method programmers use to create computer programs is called software development. The procedure, commonly referred to as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), consists of several stages that offer a way to create products that adhere to technical and user requirements.
The SDLC provides international standard software companies can use to build and improve their computer programs. It offers a defined structure for development teams to follow in designing, creating, and maintaining high-quality software. The IT software development process aims to build compelling products within a defined budget and timeline.
Why Should You Learn Software Development?
Here are a few reasons why learning software development courses from a Software training company would be helpful for one's career growth.
1. Job Security
Skilled employees can always be assured of job security as they can perform better than their colleagues. They are always in demand, and there will always be demand for software developers. After joining a best Software training institute in HSR Layout, there will be ample job opportunities in the coming future. Besides, there will likely be more demand for software developers, thus enhancing job security.
2. Remarkable Growth
Online software development training can work productively and assure growth to the project and the individual working on it. Businesses that rely on off-the-shelf software frequently encounter more significant disruptions than firms that employ custom software.
3. High Paying Job Opportunities
Learners will be able to put IT at the center of projects and lead a team in a way you have never been able to do before with more software development knowledge. With the help of Software Development, techies can develop cutting-edge website updates, app upgrades, and cleverer marketing strategies that will make you stand out in your field.
4. Increase Work Productivity
Every new technology has resulted in increased human productivity and prosperity. While the path to our system may seem rigged to many analog people, society will enjoy the fruits of labor, and their quality of life will increase. It helps make life convenient and easier to connect and communicate with.
Advantages of Joining Software Development Courses
1. Build an Innovative Software
The software can be developed by programmers that support organizational growth and is in line with business objectives. Since custom business software is made to support a particular business's identity, it can complement a working model better than any off-the-shelf software.
Since no two organizations are alike, it makes sense to look for software that suits their particular requirements. A software product that is customized for a company helps to guarantee that the software has all the features and functionalities that the company requires to automate business procedures.
2. Improve Your Organization's Scale
Every company aspires to gradually increase the size of its activities. Typically, this entails the development of new goods, services, and procedures. Off-the-shelf software cannot frequently manage a company's expansion, which reduces productivity and functionality.
3. Continual Technical Support
No matter how excellent a piece of software is, a firm will probably eventually run into a glitch or need an upgrade. It is critical to get help from customer service when this occurs. When issues develop, off-the-shelf software typically offers little to no assistance, which makes troubleshooting a challenge.
Continuous technical assistance reduces downtime and maintains the effectiveness of business operations. Businesses can obtain ongoing support from a team of committed IT specialists to help upgrade and maintain custom software thanks to custom software development.
4. Software Integration With Programs
Rapid technological advancements have made it possible to integrate many commercial software packages with other applications. However, a lot of firms experience common defects and related issues, which cause expensive downtime.
The easy integration of custom software with other applications is one of its most important advantages. These important changes can give a developing company a competitive edge in the marketplace and boost workplace productivity.
Why choose Techaedu to learn Software Development?
Techaedu is an excellent platform for individuals to learn and build their careers with quality training and resources. Their courses help freshers, and experienced professionals learn various software development courses.
The Software Courses are adept at using a variety of software applications, configuring hardware, and developing crucial procedural processes that can support the development of their apps. This is a renowned Software training institute in HSR Layout offering a wide range of courses.
Learning about various software development talents will help students choose the best suits their tastes and improve their professional prospects. Professional software developers are successful because they have diverse technical talents.
Courses Offered
1. Full Stack Development Certification Training
2. AI & ML Developer
3. SharePoint
4. UI/UX Design Certification Training
5. Digital Marketing
Additional Services Offered
Techaedu helps individuals land their dream jobs also. The various fields they offer expertise include Health Care, Education, Real Estate, Retail, Power & Energy, Banking, Manufacturing, and Media.
Course Eligibility
Freshers, students, professionals, students studying abroad, and professionals willing to learn software development from them. Techaedu offers flexible scheduling options that make it easy for individuals to fit training into their busy schedules.
Software developer skills are the technical capabilities an individual learns to create successful programs and applications. They typically involve using mathematical knowledge and a capacity for problem-solving to write source code, which is the sequence of words and symbols that allows a program to function. There are many types of skills to learn, including digital tools and computer systems. Many software developers learn them through classes in a computer science degree program or certification course.
Software training institutes in HSR Layout offer both online and offline courses. Many software development courses suit different skill levels and career aspirations, with an emphasis on hands-on learning and real-world experience.
05/05/2023 | Software Development | Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | HSR Layout |
05/05/2023 | Software Development | Offline | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | HSR Layout |
Syllabus of Full Stack Development
1. HTML 4 and HTML 5
Introduction of HTML
Tag, Elements and Attributes
Basics syntax
Structure of HTML4 and HTML5
Semantic and non-semantic tags
HTML 5 Features
New Input type Forms Attribute
Audio, Video Tag
2. CSS
Attributes (ID, Class, Style, Title )
CSS Types (Inline, Internal, External)
Display Property (Block, Inline, None)
Position Property(Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed )
Z-index Property
Combinators ( Child Selector,Adjacent Sibling Selector
Descendant Selector, General Sibling Selector)
CSS Pseudo-classes ( Visited, Hover,Link,,Active)
CSS Pseudo-elements ( Selection,First Letter,First Line, Before After)
K. Static Web Page
Viewport Meta tag
3. CSS 3
Background, Multiple Backgrounds
Font Related Features (online fonts)
Text-Effect and Box-Effect
Gradients-Line a and Radial
Media Queries
4. JavaScript
Introduction of JavaScript
Use of JavaScript
Data Type (Primitive, non-primitive)
JS Conditions (if, if-else)
Conditional operators & logical operators
Loops (for, while, do-while)
Switch Case
SetTimeout and set Interval Function
object to access and manipulate HTML using the document
Changing HTML Elements
Adding and Deleting Elements
way to access Objects ( bracket Notation,Dot Notation)
way to create Object (, Literal Way,Empty Object Constructor Way)
5. jQuery
jQuery – Basics
Built-in Functions
jQuery – Selectors
jQuery – CSS Element Selector and ID Selector
jQuery – CSS Element Universal Selector AND Class Selector
jQuery – CSS Multiple Elements like E, F, G Selector
jQuery Callback Functions
jQuery – DOM Attributes
Get Attribute Value
Set Attribute Value
jQuery – DOM Traversing
Find Elements by index
Filtering out Elements
Locating Descendent Elements
JQuery DOM Traversing Methods
JQuery – CSS Methods
Apply CSS Properties and Multiple CSS Properties
Setting Element Width & Height
JQuery CSS Methods
jQuery – Effects
JQuery Effect Methods, Hide and Show
jQuery Toggle
jQuery Slide – slideDown, slideUp, slideToggle
jQuery Fade – fadeIn, fadeOut, fadeTo
jQuery Custom Animation
jQuery - chaining
jQuery – AJAX
jQuery – JSON
6. Bootstrap
What is Bootstrap Framework?
Why Bootstrap?
History of Bootstrap
Advantages of Bootstrap Framework
What is Responsive web page?
Major Features of Bootstrap?
What is Mobile-First Strategy?
Setting up Environment
How to apply Bootstrap to Applications
Ways to display images in various styles
Way to display text like warning and muted?
Regarding Carets Classes?
How to show or hide the text in Bootstrap
Bootstrap Grid
What is Bootstrap Grid?
How to apply Bootstrap Grid
What is Container?
What is Offset Column?
How to Reordering Columns?
Advantages of Bootstrap Grid?
How to Display responsive Images?
How to change class properties?
How to use readymade themes?
What is Bootstrap Typography?
How to use Typography?
What is Bootstrap Tables?
What is Bootstrap Form Layout?
What is Bootstrap Button?
Bootstrap Components
What is Components of Bootstrap ?
Need of Bootstrap Components?
Benifits of Bootstrap Components
Types of Bootstrap Components
Glyphicons Component
Process to use Glyphicons Component?
Bootstrap Dropdown Menu Component?
What is Button Toolbar and Button Groups ?
Way to use Button Toolbar and Button Groups ?
Different Input Groups Components
What is Tabs Components & Navigation Pills?
How to use Tabs Components and Navigation Pills ?
Navbar Component
Process to build a Responsive Navbar?
How to controls to Navbar and other Add Forms ?
How to Fix the position of navbar?
What is Breadcrumb Component?
What is Pagination Component?
How to apply Pagination in Application?
What is Labels / Badge Components?
What is Jumbotron / Page Header Components?
What is Thumbnail Component?
What is Alerts & Dismissible Alerts?
How to Create Progress Bar?
What is Media Objects Component?
Why Media Objects Component?
How to use Media Objects Component?
What is Bootstrap List Group Component?
What is Bootstrap Panel Component?
Bootstrap Plug-Ins
What is Bootstrap Plug-Ins
Why Bootstrap Plug-Ins?
How to use Bootstrap Plug-Ins
What is Transition Plug-in?
What Modal Dialog Box?
What are the different Properties, Methods and Events of
Modal Dialog Box?
What is Scrollspy Plug-In?
What is Tab Plug-in?
How to use Tab Plug-in?
What is Drop down Plug-in?
What is Tooltip Plug-in?
How to use Button Plug-in?
What are the different methods and events of Tooltip Plug-in?
What is Popover Plug-in?
What is alert and Button Plug-ins?
What is Collapse Plug-in?
Types of Methods ,Properties and Events of Collapse Plug-in?
What is Carousel Plug-in?
What is Affix Plug-in?
7. Photoshop
Black & White to Colour
Day To Night
Image Manipulsion
Double Exposure
Gradient Effect
Digital Painting
Poster Design
Advanced Compositing
Social Media Post
Matte Painting
Workspace overview of Adobe Illustrator
8. Illustrations
Masking and wrapingr
Working with text ( Typography)
Understanding Effects & Filters (Logo)
Create layouts with using perspectives
Color the illustrations by using flat color and gradients
Logo Designing
Design - Magazine cover
Design - Advertisement -1( News Paper, Branding)
Design - Flyer ( Product Launch)
Printing techniques
9. Adobe XD
IIntroduction to UX
Getting started
What is UI vs UX
The UX brief & persona
Wireframing (low fidelity)
How wide for my website
Free UI Icons
Footer & Lorem Ipsum
New Pages & Artboards
Class Project 01 - Wireframe
Prototyping & Interactivity
Create a Popup Modal
Class Project 02 - Prototype
Groups & Isolation Mode
How to use symbols
Production Video - Left Nav
Navigation Tips and Tricks
Class Project 03 - Symbols
Mocking Up an app
XD App on your phone
iPhone & Android status icons
Fixing the position
Production Video - Login
Sharing wireframes
Recording your interactions
Class Project - Wireframe feedback
Trainer Profile of Software Training In HSR Layout
Our Trainers provide complete freedom to the students, to explore the subject and learn based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates are free to ask any questions at any time.
* More than 5+ Years of Experience.
* Trained more than 500+ students in a year.
* Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge.
* Certified Professionals with Higher Grade.
* Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
* Trainers have experienced on multiple real-time projects in their Industries.
* Our Trainers have worked in multinational companies.
Software Development Exams & Certification

Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. A combination of Online and Offline sessions is provided to accommodate your comfort.
Freshers, Graduates, and working professionals can join our training institute for Best Certification Courses & get a placement at the top MNCs & Non-MNCs industries.
Frontend Development
Backend Development
Full Stack Training
React Native
UI/UX Design
Digital Marketing
You can take as many courses you want and we will be happy to make you an all-rounder. People usually take multiple courses at one time to boost their skills and knowledge in a short amount of time.
Yes. You can have a look at the modules and know which courses can be modified to meet your requirements.
The lectures and workshops are proposed to be held for the duration of 3 Months 5 days a week (Monday – Friday) 2 hours per day
Yes. You do need to pass regular tests and exams so that we can know that you are benefiting from the training programs. The better grades you score, the higher would be your chances of getting a good job.
No, they are not expensive. We offer value for money, each program has qualified trainers, practical exposure, and an opportunity to work on live projects.
Permanent job opportunities based on available positions at Techaedu, for the best-performing candidates
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Our Placement Process
Eligibility Criteria
Placements Training
Interview Q & A
Resume Preparation
Aptitude Test
Mock Interviews
Scheduling Interviews
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